Is It Time to Kill the Whiteboard Interview?
“Asking someone to write a piece of code on a whiteboard is not natural at all,” added Sylvain Kalache, co-founder of the Holberton School, which uses whiteboard sessions as part of its curriculum because it’s useful for identifying which candidates understand macro concepts. Kalache added:
Drawing an architecture diagram (which could be a web stack composed of databases, web servers, load-balancers, caching layers, etc.) is something that will allow the interviewer to assess if a candidate has a good understanding of how [a] software system [is] working and [is] articulated, where a system’s strengths and weaknesses are, and how evolve it. That’s a skill that will be required to do the job well. Software [systems] have to be designed properly so that the product/platform will be properly working.
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November 21, 2016
US Press